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Cost & Location

Compost & wood chips are available at 2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 

Cost & Location


Yard Waste

  • Per ton $30.00
  • $10.00 minimum fee
  • Residential uncovered/unsecured loads $25.00
  • Commercial uncovered/unsecured loads $100.00
  • Loads with garbage will charged the garbage rate ($48/ton) and given a handling fee ($35) if the garbage is not removed

Compost & Wood Chips

  • Per ton for compost No Charge for Linn County Residents; $30.00 for Commercial & Businesses
  • Wood Chips Free (For Linn Co. residents while supplies last)


Residential and Business yard waste loads*

2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  • 8am - 4pm Monday - Friday
  • *Any size load accepted, except large loads of trees brought in by semi-trailers, side dump trailers, dump trucks, and other large scale equipment used in land clearing work. The Agency does not have enough space for these types of loads and cannot work them into windrows for composting.
  • *Stumps/Root balls are not accepted. 

Get Directions

Yard waste not accepted at landfill & recycling location.

What to Know

Compost (when available) can be obtained at 2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Yard waste and food waste is accepted at 2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  This location is open 8:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday, 8:00am -12:00pm Saturday.

The Solid Waste Agency compost location can no longer accept large loads of trees, tree debris and stumps/root balls. This applies to large loads of trees brought in by semi-trailers, side dump trailers, dump trucks, and other large scale equipment used in land clearing work. The Agency does not have enough space for these types of loads and cannot work them into windrows for composting.


Solid Waste Agency staff are not authorized to unload any materials from customer vehicles or trailers. Customers are responsible for unloading items from their vehicles or trailers.

Wood Chips

Wood chips are not colored or processed beyond shredding.

Wood chips are useful to retain moisture in flower and garden beds.  They also suppress the growth of unwanted weeds when applied over the topsoil.

Food Waste

Food waste should be composted first and kept out of the regular trash and garbage disposal.  Composting food waste conserves water versus using the garbage disposal. Old produce and vegetables can be composted at home or with the Agency. Find out all the details in the Food Waste page.


The Agency accepts credit cards and debit cards, cash, and business checks. Payment is due at the time of service.

Business accounts may be established by calling (319) 377-5290.

Contact the Solid Waste Agency with any questions or concerns.