Hours & Locations
Customer safety comes first! Closures occur during inclement weather. Sign-up for Text Alerts about Weather-Related Closures. Text Agency1 to 319-343-3861.

Mount Trashmore Trails & Overlook
Access Hours
Landfill & Resource Recovery Building
Monday - Friday
7:00am - 4:00pm
By Appointment or Account Only
Compost & Yard Waste
2250 A Street SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
(319) 398-5163
Map it
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:00pm
Scheduled Closures
- New Year's Day (Thursday, January 01, 2026)
- Memorial Day (Monday, May 26, 2025)
- Independence Day (Friday, July 04, 2025)
- Labor Day (Monday, September 01, 2025)
- Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 27, 2025)
- Christmas (Thursday, December 25, 2025)
The Solid Waste Agency Main Office is closed on the following days:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Monday, January 19, 2026)
Good Friday (Friday, April 18, 2025)
Juneteenth (Thursday, June 19, 2025)
Veterans Day (Tuesday, November 11, 2025)
Friday after Thanksgiving Day (Friday, November 28, 2025)
Christmas Eve (Wednesday, December 24, 2025)
Phones are not answered on these days. Landfill and recycling operations at 1954 County Home Road, Marion, and compost/yard waste operations at 2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids, are OPEN on these days.