Visit the Solid Waste Agency
CLOSED Wednesday, February 12th due to Winter Storm
Includes both Agency locations:
1954 County Home Road, Marion;
2250 A Street SW, Cedar Rapids.

Sign-up for Text Alerts about Weather-Related Closures.
Text Agency1 to 319-343-3861.
Days Until the Solid Waste Agency Landfill is Full:

How Can We Help?
The Solid Waste Agency is Linn County's place for all your garbage & recycling needs.
- The Resource Recovery building offers a one-stop-shop for recycling and reuse opportunities, including: curbside recyclables, electronics, batteries, clothing, household hazardous materials, books, and the Free Paint, Cleaners Etc. room!
Get details about recycling appliances, tires, and scrap metal, available in front of the Resource Recovery building.

This Month at Solid Waste Agency
By The Numbers
Tons of Garbage Disposed Each Day
Appointment Slots Available Weekly
To Drop Off Household Hazardous Materials
Tons of Glass Recycled Yearly

Forward Waste Planning 2044
Waste & Recycling Planning for Linn County's Future
The Agency's original charge will end on June 30, 2044. This is the last day garbage can be accepted at 1954 County Home Road, Marion, where the landfill and Resource Recovery building are located.
What does this mean for the future of garbage in Linn County?